Breakfast/Lunch Program

If you have any other questions, please call Ruby Jewell (Food Service Manager) at

856-931-5365 ext. 227

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to fill out the Free and Reduced Application?

A: Only if you would like to be considered for Free or Reduced meals.


Q: Do I still have to fill out a lunch ticket even if my child receives Free or Reduced meals?

A: Yes, we need a ticket filled out to get a final lunch count DAILY.


Q: Do I have to fill out a Meal Ticket for the entire month and pay for the entire month at once?

A: No, we would prefer the ticket to be filled out for the whole month as it helps with our records. You may send in money weekly, even if you filled out the ticket for the month.


Q: Does my child receive a credit slip when he/she is absent?

A: No, no money is withdrawn from the student's account until the moment food is received by the student.


Q: May a student pay for a snack with money from their account?

A: Only with written permission by a parent to the lunch manager or cafeteria staff.